
We are preparing the next generation of high performing business operators and venture builders through our Venture Building fellowships

Research from a Gallup study in 2019 shows that companies who listen to their employees are 21% more profitable than their competitors.

This success rate, however, can be achieved when an entrepreneurship culture is imbibed within the organisation. Nurturing innovative talents is a fundamental priority because of the immense benefits it brings to the economy and society.

Through our Venture Building Institute, we are coaching talents into becoming vision bearers within organisations

The not so secret wish of employers is the rarity of hiring talents who go the extra mile in adding value to their organisation. Expertise can be learnt or bought but loyalty and dedication is priceless and rare. Our mission with our institute is to saturate the talent marketplace with talents trained with the skillset of Venture Builders and imparted with the mindset of Vision Bearers armed with the singular purpose of helping founders "re-found" their businesses.

Are you an aspiring

Re-founders, coined by Patrick Colletti of Net Health, are employees who join companies and take ownership as if they were the very founders driving the vision of the organisation

Venture Building Foundations

Helping young talents who are just about starting their career explore a path in Impact Investing, Developmental Finance and Technology

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Venture Building Advanced

Providing talents in Technology with expertise and leadership coaching to enable them transition into a leadership role within their organisations

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Venture Building Career Path

We provide successful graduates of our venture building foundations fellowship  an opportunity to further their interest in Impact Investing by joining our global team of Venture Builders

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